We are progressing with a management approach focused on continuous improvement and a quality awareness embraced at every level. Within the framework of the quality management system, we regularly evaluate all processes according to relevant legal requirements, and we carry out efforts to improve, develop, and spread the culture of quality.

In this context, we are working to:

  • Enhance the quality of scientific research, contributing to society, industry, and the world of science.
  • Apply innovative, technological, and effective teaching methods to align academic quality with national and international standards.
  • Promote collaborative research and development activities, carrying out projects in cooperation with industry and universities.
  • Support digital transformation processes, ensuring effective and efficient use of technology and infrastructure in all areas.
  • Prioritize the development of employees’ knowledge, skills, and competencies, working towards this goal.
  • Focus on the satisfaction of internal and external stakeholders, regularly evaluating all processes through feedback mechanisms to ensure the improvement of service quality.
  • Develop environmentally friendly and socially beneficial projects, conducting social responsibility activities in line with sustainable development goals.


The objectives of KTO Karatay University are to carry out educational and service activities by providing the necessary resources with an energy management system based on continuous improvement and development pursuant to national and international legal requirements and regulations.

In line with the stated objectives; KTO Karatay University agrees and undertakes;

  • To ensure that the energy management system is integrated into all the company's management systems on the basis of a continuous development strategy
  • To support the procurement of energy-efficient products and services that affect energy efficiency
  • To be cognizant of the negative impact of air pollution factors on quality of life on all levels in order to mitigate the impact of air pollutants on the business, including greenhouse gases, expressed as a carbon footprint
  • To raise fair awareness and form a corporate culture for the use and promotion of renewable energy sources
  • To continuously measure and improve overall energy performance in such a way that increases sustainable energy efficiency and effectiveness.
  • To support and contribute the protection of the environment whilst also prioritizing energy efficiency in the investments and activities planned with our internal stakeholders.



As KTO Karatay University, amongst our main goals comes producing and maintaining all the services we provide in a clean, organized, aesthetically pleasing and comforting manner by complying with hygiene rules. In this sense, we agree and undertake;

  • To continue our work in consideration of the philosophy and principles of the Hygiene and Sanitation Management System in the provision of services
  • To comply with hygiene and sanitation standards to protect public health
  • To provide safe services, environment and resources essential for human health
  • To put stakeholder satisfaction at the forefront of every stage of the service process
  • To ensure and maintain the health, life and occupational safety of our stakeholders, we are firmly committed to continuously improving the hygiene and sanitation management system by mitigating all risks.


At our university, which provides laboratory services, our occupational health and safety policy is as follows:

  • To enhance the safety, satisfaction, and service quality of our employees, we encourage their professional development.
  • To research, adapt, and implement sectoral developments and improvements that increase the OHS awareness and satisfaction of the social environment in which we live and the stakeholders we serve.
  • To lead in ensuring that the technology used in our products is compatible with environmental and OHS standards and to support activities that protect and improve the environment and nature.
  • To comply with applicable OHS and environmental regulations in force and to commit to having an OHS representative.
  • To maintain the highest level of stakeholder satisfaction and to effectively implement continuous improvement within our organization.
  • To ensure production complies with quality standards, laws, and regulations.
  • To continuously enhance the service quality of the university with the philosophy of ongoing improvement.


KTO Karatay University believes that acting with a sense of social contribution in all its activities is one of the fundamental and integral parts of its management philosophy and is one of its core values and principles. It defines its vision and priorities for social contribution, taking into account what is best for society and the environment.

KTO Karatay University Social Contribution Principles

1. Human Rights

KTO Karatay University strives to respect fundamental human rights in all service processes. The objective of the institution is to create a working environment where human rights are respected in accordance with international standards, where employees can develop, express their opinions freely and are not discriminated against.

Employees of the institution shall not be discriminated against on the grounds of language, race, color, sex, political opinion, belief, religion, denomination, age, physical disability or similar characteristics.

KTO Karatay University believes that all employees have the right to work in a healthy and safe environment under decent working conditions. Employees are the institution's most valuable asset, and ensuring and protecting their safety is KTO Karatay University's top priority.

2. Working Conditions

Child labor shall not be used at any stage of working life. Enterprises and institutions must comply with the age limit for the employment of children set by the International Labor Organization (ILO). Wages, benefits, overtime and working hours are determined in accordance with the law. Overtime shall be worked only if the employee is willing to do so, and the employee shall be entitled to at least one day off after 6 consecutive working days.

2.1. Right to Work Freely

Forced or compulsory labor is prohibited. Employees have the right to terminate their employment contract within a reasonable period of time.

2.2. Health and Safety

Within the limits of the law, the institution provides for the safety of employees in the workplace, protects their health and continuously strives to improve the working environment.

3. Business Ethics

3.1. Anti-Corruption

Utmost level of honesty is expected in all business processes and business relationships. Any kind of corruption, bribery, blackmailing and misusing are strictly forbidden.

3.2. Prohibition of Discrimination

Any kind of discrimination against employees is prohibited. Employees shall no be discriminated against the basis of, for example sex, race, social group to which they belong, color, disability, union affiliation, political opinion, origin, religion, age and similar characteristics.

VOLUME NO 4 Environment

The institution deals responsibly with the environmental impacts that may result from all types of activities. KTO Karatay University strongly promotes all types of initiatives that increase environmental awareness by adopting the best environmental solutions beyond legal obligations and encouraging the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies.

Responsibility and Implementation

All directors and employees shall be responsible for social responsibility practices of the institution throughout the community.


KTO Karatay University Human Resources Policy; In line with the University's vision, mission, core values and strategic objectives, it aims to attract qualified human power to the University, rendering it a point that is highly preferred in the labor market.

  • To have the corporate culture internalized within the institution by all personnel, our university is committed to raising innovative, experienced and qualified human resources required by the information society and to embrace the dynamics under whose basis lie knowledge.
  • In addition to teaching and research, our university administration stresses the importance of hiring people who question, analyze, hold ethical values and have a critical point of view, and puts the emphasis this point of view when recruiting staff.
  • Additionally, it is our fundamental principle to promote employee motivation and to establish an effective and efficient institutional structure by putting personnel satisfaction at the forefront. Our teams, formed with team spirit, strive to realize the strategic objectives of our university.


KTO Karatay University is committed to fully maximizing the satisfaction of its stakeholders, which is the cornerstone of all its services, and maintaining its sustainability. In addition, it undertakes:

  • To take a stakeholder-centered approach to planning and implementing its services,
  • To know its stakeholders, properly analyze their needs and expectations, keep a high level of stakeholder satisfaction by meeting these needs and expectations in a timely manner, and continuously and systematically improve these operations,
  • To continuously improve channels for receiving feedback from stakeholders,
  • To evaluate feedback in accordance with the principles of fairness, impartiality and confidentiality, to provide the necessary support for solving the problems and to make the necessary process improvements to prevent similar problems from occurring again by identifying the root causes of the problem,
  • To provide services in accordance with the standards and legal regulations in education and training and other services consistent with the quality policy and core values of KTO Karatay University,
  • To allocate all necessary resources for the effective implementation of activities to the satisfaction of stakeholders.


KTO Karatay University is a university that supports development and improvement at the national and international levels within the framework of comprehensive principles, strives for a place in the top ranks of international rankings with qualified educational programs and research, and pursues universal education and research policy. KTO Karatay University has a policy that;

  • Provides international education-training and research-development services consistent with the universal understanding of science,
  • Paves the way for its students with the knowledge it produces,
  • Supports physical development to achieve its vision in the field of research,
  • Continuously enhances education and research processes with the involvement of stakeholders,
  • Supports the scientific and artistic studies,
  • Provides research-development environment where the lecturers and students may follow the modern developments,
  • Converts scientific value into economic value and releases to the public through technology transfer, entrepreneurship, intellectual property, licensing and commercialization activities
  • emphasizes university-industry cooperation.